A nach B (c) VOR

With the A to B-App you can safely and quickly reach your destination – whether you are traveling by public transport, bicycle, car or on foot.

According to the reason for the trip, personal preferences, weather or traffic situations, different routes, vehicles, share rides or combinations of those can at times all be the best possibility to move from point A to point B. VOR | AnachB is the ideal traffic service for the Austrian states of Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland, and for the entire country of Austria.

VOR | AnachB can be accessed through www.AnachB.at, the widget, the smartphone-app and through many partner websites such as www.fahrradwien.at or www.wienzufuss.at at no costs. The service was developed by ITS Vienna Region in cooperation with the traffic association of the East Region VOR. The Verkehrsauskunft Österreich (VAO) provides high quality routing covering all areas of Austria and all types of traffic, the graph integration platform GIP provides a digital traffic network, and basemap provides background-mapping services.

Functions and operation

The VOR | AnachB route planner works equally well for public transportation, cycling, walking and driving. Individual types of transportation can also be combined – for instance, Park&Ride, Bike&Ride, or car trains. VOR | AnachB is constantly offering additional possibilities, many of which are new to the user, and allows an objective comparison of travel times and CO2 emissions.

  • The traffic situation is updated every 7,5 minutes with the aid of multiple sensors and GPS vehicle data. This can be indicated directly on the map (traffic network in red – yellow – green) and is included in route planning.
  • Construction zones, detours, and traffic notifications are immediately displayed.
  • Webcams show live updates of individual street sections.
  • In addition, AnachB maps will indicate points of interest – POI. Included are, for example, bicycle-parking lots, car sharing facilities or bicycle loan facilities such as Nextbike and Citybike Wien.
  • Every type of routing requires a digital traffic network (=graph). AnachB utilizes the new graph integration platform GIP. GIP is the graphing reference utilized for all public facilities in Austria and is of such high quality, up to date and detailed that it is also used for legally binding administrative processes and E-Government.


DI Klaus Heimbuchner

Press Spokesperson – ITS Vienna Region

Verkehrsbund Ost-Region (VOR) GmbH

E-Mail: klaus.heimbuchner@its-viennaregion.at







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