The first two Cool Zones are located in the WieNeu+ area
Cooling zones are cool indoor spaces where Viennese can escape the summer heat in the city and in their homes. Cooling zones have temperatures between 20 and 24 degrees Celsius. People find this temperature range comfortable, the body is not exposed to any stress (heat stress).
The Cooling Zone project will be implemented for the first time in summer 2023. The evaluation of the pilot phase will serve to define further possible areas and to consider guest feedback in new Cooling Zones – as far as possible. The goal for the following summers is to create a close-meshed network, especially in districts with a pronounced heat island effect.
Cooling down in everyday life in the middle of the Grätzl
During heat waves, many homes can no longer be cooled sufficiently and become heat traps, especially for vulnerable populations. The Cooling Zones offer these people an opportunity to spend a few hours in cool indoor spaces free of charge and without the need to consume, giving the body a break from heat stress. Seating, cold drinks, rest areas or entertainment in the form of games and social interaction with other people are available in a friendly atmosphere. In this way, social isolation is counteracted in addition to heat-related health risks.
Pilot project at 2 locations
The project Cooling Zone will be realized in summer 2023 as part of the Vienna Heat Action Plan and the neighborhood renewal program WieNeu+ together with Urban Innovation Vienna and local partners, the Kuratorium Wiener Pensionisten-Wohnhäuser (Board of Trustees for Viennese retirement homes) and the Piramidops association especially for vulnerable people in the Grätzl.
The first two Cooling Zones are located in the WieNeu+ area “Grätzl 20+2” in Leopoldstadt and in Brigittenau at the following locations:
- Greiseneckergasse 5, 1200 Vienna (June, July, August) – Supporting institution Kuratorium Wiener Pensionisten-Wohnhäuser.
- Volkertplatz 13, 1020 Vienna (July, August) – Supporting institution association Piramidops – Frauenentreff (only open to women)
The opening hours are daily from 12 to 20 o’clock (also on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays).
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The Cooling Zones work toward SDGs 3 “Ensure healthy lives for all people of all ages and promote their well-being” and 11 “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” and “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.”
City of Vienna – Technical Urban Renewal (MA 25), WieNeu+
E-Mail: wieneuplus@ma25.wien.gv.at
Website: https://wieneuplus.wien.gv.at/soziale-nachbarschaft
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