Freudenauer Hafenbecken (c) Schaub-Walzer PID

The central goal of the project INWAPO is to enhance the cooperation in European ship traffic and to use the transport capabilities of inland and seas ports in order to create an improved infrastructure for intermodal transport chains.

The INWAPO Project (Upgrading of Inland Waterways and Sea Ports) aims to activate the unused potential of ship traffic through supportive measures, to improve cooperation among the individual players, and to take advantage of the capacities of freight traffic and the transport capabilities of inland and sea ports and to achieve a better developed infrastructure for intermodal transport chains.

This is to be ensured through support from investments in intermodal infrastructure and the implementation of new intermodal transport services. In addition to the North Adriatic ports (Venice, Trieste and Koper) and the Danube ports of Austria, Hungary and Slovakia, Czech and Polish inland waterways (Elbe, Vistula and Oder) are also involved.

INWAPO is an EU-funded, strategic project of the Central Europe Programme, which is implemented under priority 2 via the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme “Improving accessibility to, and within, Central Europe”. The project ran from 2011 to 2014.


DI Rainer Müller

UIV Urban Innovation Vienna GmbH



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