(c) Urban Innovation Vienna

The aim of the aspern.mobil project is for people to “use mobility, instead of owning their own transport”. In a mobility lab, innovative forms of mobility are developed, tested and evaluated under real conditions.

The newly build district Aspern Seestadt, which is located in the 22nd district, opens up new opportunities to develop the mobility habits of the people working and living there by offering innovative, sustainable mobility services. By focussing on the users, the aspern.mobil project intends to assess the potential of new mobility options and supports the use of emission-reducing as well as energy and resource-saving forms of mobility. As part of this project, an urban mobility lab will be established in Aspern. In this “living lab” social and technical innovations can be developed, tested and further evaluated under real conditions in a decentralised urban environment.

“Pay per use” instead of “pay and use”

The objectives of this urban mobility lab are to cut down on overall trips and reduce daily commuting distances. The strategy is: “use mobility, instead of owning your own transport”, alias “pay per use” instead of “pay and use”.

As part of the aspern.mobil project, the urban mobility lab starts by analysing the status quo of the geographic, legal, political and financial framework, along with the latest developments in research. In order to develop both a strategy and a specific guidance for setting up the mobility lab a roadmap will be created. This roadmap will define the establishment and operation of the urban mobility lab.

Local people as “co-creators”

The process of creating the roadmap will be accompanied by individual activities, which will support the learning of the project team, the so-called “co-creators” and all relevant stakeholders. These intense discussions with local players and their involvement as “co-creators” will lay the foundation for the mobility lab’s participation guidelines. The “co-creators” will play important roles in designing the organisation and management structure of the future living lab and assume responsibility for the institution to be established.

Evaluation and monitoring

Throughout the entire operational phase, the mobility lab will be supported by an evaluation and monitoring structure that will examine the effectiveness, economic applicability and socio-ecological relevance of the mobility lab’s activities and implementations. Further it will carry out quality management tasks.

By locating aspern.mobil in the Aspern Seestadt the resulting project is destined to have a far reaching effect far beyond the city boarders.


UIV Urban Innovation Vienna GmbH

E-Mail: office@urbaninnovation.at

Website: aspern.mobil

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